Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Year 1 Long Term Map and Termly Plans
Recommended Reading for Year 1
We expect children to read at home at least three times a week. We encourage children to read everything and anything, including books, comics, magazines, poetry, road signs, cereal boxes, recipes, newspapers, websites and even books they write themselves.
Below is a list of websites and recommended books for your child’s age group. Some of these books are ideal for adults to read to your children and others would be great for children to read themselves. For more information about each of these books, click on the following links:
Useful Reminders for Year 1
Every child needs to wear their PE kit to school on PE days. Year 1 have PE on Thursdays.
Year 1 change reading books on a Friday.
Remember to read three times a week and practise your Maths on MyMaths and NumBots!
Homework is issued every Wednesday and Friday.
Spellings are issued once a week on a Friday.
Common Exception Words
The expectation for the attainment of children in Year 1 has grown massively. In writing, children are expected to spell high frequency words, or common exception words (words we can't use our sounds to spell) correctly. Below is a list of all the words they should be spelling correctly in their independent writing.